Nuke the News: Obama Is Now Gay

* I have a new New York Post column! I worry that our country’s problems are just too boring to focus on and muse about what kind of warlord I’ll bee.

I mean, most of these are the same problems we had back in the ’70s. No one solved them then, because they were distracted by the president being a bitten by a rabbit.

Read it. Discuss it. Like it on Facebook.

* Obama is teh ghey!

Apparently Newsweek and Time are in competition for most insane cover story, but I still don’t know if that justifies hiring the mentally unbalanced, Palin womb-obsessed Andrew Sullivan. It might be possible that Obama could carefully play his gay marriage support in a way that won’t hurt him, but his idiotic supporters will make that hard.

And maybe Newsweek should fully embrace it’s new freak show vibe and instead of charging $4 an issue they should charge a nickel a gander.

* Obama has a new attack ad on all the layoffs at Bain… that happened after Romney left the company. So if I can get this straight, Romney is responsible for job losses when he no longer worked at a business, but Obama isn’t responsible for job losses while he is actually president?

Why are we even considering reelecting Obama when he this objectively bad at his job. It makes a mockery of the whole point of having elections. Only dictatorships are supposed to be stuck with the same awful leader no matter how badly he performs.

* The co-founder of Facebook has renounced his American citizenship to save on taxes before the IPO. It’s pretty bad when taxes chase people away from being citizens. I don’t know if I could ever renounce my citizenship, even if it was to avoid absurd taxes. Well, maybe I could lose my citizenship to dodge the taxes and then I’d sneak in illegally.

* Wisdom of the Day from Dan McLaughlin:

Real talk: Obama has done nothing that would warrant impeaching him, trying him for treason, or re-electing him.


  1. So, let’s review. A caucasion named Clinton was “The First Black President.” A supposed heterosexual with a wife (albeit a nasty one) and two kids is “The First Gay President.” And, a white woman who’s ancestor was an indian hunter wants to be “The First Indian Senator In Massachusetts.” Liberals are idiots.

  2. So if I can get this straight, Romney is responsible for job losses when he no longer worked at a business, but Obama isn’t responsible for job losses while he is actually president?

    I do have to admit that there’s a certain symmetry there, since the lefties also want us to be concerned more with how Romney spends his own money than with how Obama spends ours.

  3. Here’s the proven method to cheating on your taxes and staying a citizen:

    1) Cheat on taxes.
    2) Flee to country with no extradition treaty and fun ways to spend your loot.
    3) Spend a hunk of that loot – through an intermediary – to a democrat president (you don’t have to be too clever about the laundering; in fact, make it pretty clear so the big guy doesn’t forget who butters the bread).
    4) On his last day in office: Presidential Pardon!

    Works like a charm.

  4. The co-founder of Facebook has renounced his American citizenship….

    So now you can become an illegal immigrant just by saying you’re no longer American?? Where do I sign up? I already do a job that most Americans are incapable of doing so I think no laws should apply to me either.

  5. Pingback: IMAO » Blog Archive » Liberal Minority Identification Accuracy Swings, Gets Fourth Strike

  6. Pingback: IMAO » Blog Archive » Rejected “Obama Likes Gay Marriage” Newsweek Covers

  7. Pingback: IMAO » Blog Archive » Obama, Gay Marriage, and the Gay DC Superhero

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