Nuke the News: Obama Keeps Getting Creepier

* So Dick Lugar lost his primary. Ends up Republicans are starting to get tired of entrenched incumbents who are completely useless at achieving conservative ends. We keep getting told that if we just get reasonable candidates and never care about actually achieving anything, we can keep getting absolutely useless Republicans elected who never do anything. But the Tea Party is all for being risky and maybe actually doing something about the deficit before the country collapses. That’s why they’re radicals. You only get to be part of reasonable side of the GOP if you’re all for standing back and watching the country slowly get crushed under its debt.

* In the Democrat primary in West Virginia, prison inmate Keith Russell Judd got 40% of the vote. In fact, West Virginia Democrat Senator Joe Manchin wouldn’t even say who he voted for in the primary.

Maybe they just really like dogs in that state. And who has more baggage to deal with in the general: A prison inmate or Obama with his economic record?

* North Carolina has banned gay marriage. That’s the state Democrats are having their convention in this year. Because Obama also hates gay marriage. Though I think he was against the law in North Carolina. So he’s against gay marriage, but he’s also against being against gay marriage.

Some people act like gay marriage is this huge civil rights thing and everyone is evil and a hater who opposes it, but if they really cared that much, then shouldn’t they be excoriating Obama for his hugely cynical position on the issue and calling him a hater as well? But they don’t, so obviously no one really cares that much about same-sex marriage. Until I see them constantly screaming at Obama, I’ll assume gay marriage is just a silly partisan thing.

* Ends up Elizabeth Warren’s ancestors weren’t Cherokee but instead murdered Cherokees. That clears things up. So the reason Warren joined all those Native American groups was so she could more easily round them all up and make them march the Trail of Tears again.

* This is pretty weird: Obama’s White House requires visiting unborn children to be registered. I assume Obama then sends the mother a card explaining how much they’ll save over their lifetime for the cost of an abortion now. Because he’s budget conscious and helpful and doesn’t like people being punished with babies.

Obama’s creepy. Did you know he eats dogs?

* Wisdom of the Day from Kevin Eder:

Obama, who single-handedly devised the most audacious military plan in 500 yrs, can’t formulate a position on same-sex marriage. #GutsyCall


  1. Category A: Security Risks:
    – Divulging sources and methods from multiple covert US operations
    – NYC trial for terrorist leader
    – Millions of illegals streaming across US borders
    – Release of confidential wartime memos
    – Use of a non-secured Blackberry for official Presidential comms
    – Personal, political and business ties to a known terrorist

    Category B: Security Risks:
    – Unborn babies entering White House

  2. “This is pretty weird: Obama’s White House requires visiting unborn children to be registered.”

    Then it’s finally settled. The White House is recognizing unborn babies as people. So, abortion is murder…duh.

  3. I’m still not convinced the “register your unborn” story is real, as all references to it are single-sourced to the Free Beacon.

    I’m gonna wait until a for-profit news organization confirms it with the White House before I jump on the bandwagon.

  4. Obama’s White House requires visiting unborn children to be registered.

    That is creepy, coming from the Illinois state senator who voted four times against the Illinois’ Born Alive Infants Protection Act.

  5. “In the Democrat primary in West Virginia, prison inmate Keith Russell Judd got 40% of the vote. In fact, West Virginia Democrat Senator Joe Manchin wouldn’t even say who he voted for in the primary.”

    I sympathize with the voters in West Virginia. It was kind of our version of having to vote for McCain or Obama – no clear difference. In this instance they had to choose between a guy who’s already been incarcerated for extortion vs. one who hasn’t been found guilty of the crime yet.

  6. One of the primary arguments of pro-abortion forces championed by the Obama administration is that an unborn baby is not a person; they have no identity

    Hmmmm, They like to call illegal immigrants invaders “undocumented”……therefore, they too have NO IDENTITY, therefore, it’s ok to kill them, right? Seems logical to me.

  7. The occupant is not as creepy as his staff. axlerod reminds me of the character in the song “Aqualung”

    Why is it when I see a democrat they are singing oh! we oh! oh, oh!

    I guess the WV primary means 40% of democrats are racists.

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