Random Thoughts: Billions and Billions

One of the greatest times in my life was when the Super Soaker just came out and I was the only kid in a water gun fight who had one.

The Super Soaker revolutionized kid-soaking technology. Using it against old tech water guns was like an Abrams tank versus a chariot.

If I had $20 billion dollars, if two appetizers at Chili’s looked good, I’d just get both of them.

Nah. I’d still have to think about my health. I guess I’d still just get one.

Being a billionaire has to be like having god-mode on in a video game. If you can just buy anything you want, takes the challenge out.

Still, if you have a bunch of billions and thus have a spare billion you don’t really need, I’ll take it.

I wonder if Zuckerberg tithes? That will be quite a surprise for the collection basket. New pews!

Which presidential candidate is promising to increase Diablo III server stability?

Make sure to Follow Friday me. I’d Follow Friday you if I weren’t self-centered.

Statement from Mark Zuckerberg: “To celebrate, I bought a new hoodie, but it’s itchy and I miss my old hoodie.”

If I had $20 billion, I’d put a dollar in the Starbucks tip jar even if I was just getting a small coffee.

No wait; then I’d have to start carrying cash.

If they put me on CNN, I could get their ratings up. Do they have a puppeteer on hand?

I work hard so one day I can spend all my time playing video games. Not sure what the family is for, though. Oh yeah: multiplayer.

Now that Buttercup understands more English, she can more accurately disobey us.

Truth: Rich people who rail against rich people are extremely dishonest. #JohnEdwards #ElizabethWarren

Poor people who rail against rich people are greedy.


  1. One of the greatest times in my life was when the Super Soaker just came out and I was the only kid in a water gun fight who had one.

    A bigger mismatch than Reagan versus Mondale.

  2. A self-supporting middle class is one of the few bulwarks against tyranny known to man. And if you’ve ever seen a bulwark in your direction, you know how intimidating it can be.

  3. “I work hard so one day I can spend all my time playing video games. Not sure what the family is for, though. Oh yeah: multiplayer.”

    No, the family is so someone can make you a damn sammich!


    “A former high-ranking CNN executive is accused of leaving dog feces in his neighbor’s mailbox. Covington police say the victims of the incident, Benjamin Dameron and Ralph Miller, have video of Bob Furnad walking with his dog up to the mailbox and placing a bag filled with the feces in their mailbox.”


    Perhaps it’s time that the grown-ups take over reporting the news for a while.

  5. “Now that Buttercup understands more English, she can more accurately disobey us.”

    Now that Buttercup understands more English, is she going to think that her father is really Butterbean?

  6. Everyone who has personal wealth of over 1 billion dollars should be required by law to own a castle, a subterranean hide-out, a mountain-top lair, an arctic fortress, a private space station or at least a mansion built over a large cave.
    Being that rich counts as a super power, doesn’t it?

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