Random Thoughts: A Science Fiction Past

Forward: What we’ll have to do in 2013 with White House mail addressed to Obama.

Those clowns in congress did it again. What a bunch of clowns.

So Obama is going to move us “Forward” and Romney will take us backwards to when unemployment and gas prices were low.

How many trillions more in debt Forward are we talking?

Obama not only killed bin Laden, he fried and ate his dog. Romney wouldn’t do that.

Pro Tip: When talking about Osama and Obama in the same sentence, use “bin Laden” to avoid embarrassing (but hilarious) typos.

Weird telling my 3-year-old niece about men being on the moon as this long long ago thing we can’t do now.

“Yeah, back before your dad was born, we did this cool futuristic thing.”

Telling a kid of putting a man on the moon makes me think of living in a post-apocalyptic world, talking about how great things were in the long long ago.


  1. “Time counts and keeps countin’, and we knows now finding the trick of what’s been and lost ain’t no easy ride. But that’s our trek, we gotta’ travel it. And there ain’t nobody knows where it’s gonna’ lead. Still in all, every night we does the tell, so that we ‘member who we was and where we came from.”
    – Savannah Nix –

  2. “So Obama is going to move us “Forward” and Romney will take us backwards to when unemployment and gas prices were low.”
    “Weird telling my 3-year-old niece about men being on the moon as this long long ago thing we can’t do now.”

    Weird to think that Bob Dole (who, incidentally, was yet another sucky moderate candidate thrust upon us by the Republican leaders) lost his election bid by promising a “bridge to the past” while Clinton stomped him by promising a “bridge to the future.” I’m guessing that now that people have seen the “Obama/Clinton” future, that “bridge to the past” is looking pretty good right now.

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