Random Thoughts: Elizabeth Warren, Cherokee-Killer

Has anyone used the headline yet “Lugar Misfires”? If not, it’s yours for free.

So what’s Obama think about the North Carolina vote?

You can always look to Obama to find a leader. He’s the guy Obama is following.

So Elizabeth Warren is 1/32 Cherokee and 1/4 Cherokee murderer.

Maybe Warren joined the Native American groups so she could more easily round them up and force them off their land.

So does anyone actually sell those holsters that makes the gun pop out your sleeve right into your hand?

For women whose husbands don’t have a chance of being elected, is there a way for them to be proud of their country? #AskMichelle

Can’t Chick-fil-A hire Jews and Muslims to work on Sunday? Don’t hire atheists, though; can’t trust the godless with chicken sandwiches.

Shouldn’t we have evolved by now to not have hair on our arms so pulling off band-aids doesn’t hurt?

Finally watching Moneyball. I hear who Jonah Hill plays is actually a composite character and once dated Obama.


  1. Has anyone used the headline yet “Lugar Misfires”? If not, it’s yours for free.

    Prolly not, but I’ll tell ya that Lugars are immensely overrated. Your average Lugar, a.k.a parabelum, tends to jam up horribly just when you need it, rendering the the Lugar as useless as a mint flavored suppository.

    To think that the US Army even considered the Luger against the the Colt 1911 M1A1. Murdock is likely a Colt .45 ACP gent. He got an “A” from the NRA, which is a heck of lot better than getting an “A” in LBGT studies.

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