Random Thoughts: Gay Superheroes

DC Comics announces that one of their superheroes is coming out of the closet. Aquaman will now start every comic shouting, “It’s not me!”

The DC superhero who is coming out of the closet is Black Lightning who will change his name to Gay Black Lightning.

Shouldn’t it be news that some of the guys who hang out in colorful tights aren’t gay?

Elizabeth Warren is 1/32 gay superhero.

That vial of Ronald Reagan’s blood sounds like a good start to a superhero origin story.

Maybe all of Darkseid’s aggression is because he won’t come out of the closet.

Just got a Marvel newsletter mentioning they’re having a gay X-Men marriage. Competition!

If someone is both gay and an X-Men, that really confuses the metaphor.


  1. It’s such a courageous move for them to mindlessly follow the last several years’ pop culture trends. They’re taking a real risk here. It’s so bold!

    (Oh wait, no, it’s questioning the homosexual propaganda that brings down the wrath on you today. This is just pandering to the latest trends.)

  2. So Superman had a child out of wedlock and was an absentee father for five years, Spiderman is Ru Paul, and now Superman turns full-blown gay. Meanwhile, Joss Whedon goes old school, 1960s with “The Avengers” and makes eleventy billion dollars at the box office in two weeks.

  3. It will be so exciting to discover which “superhero” will be the new embarrassment to the company over the next couple years as this all backfires on them. But, I guess when your mental illness is liberalism, you just can’t help yourself…agenda trumps all else, even if it means jumping off the cliff.

  4. When worn as a talisman around the neck, Reagan’s Blood confers a +3 modifier to tearing down walls and grants the wearer +25% Resist Cold. Communists up to Level 12 flee from battle for 30 seconds and once per day the wearer can reverse the Communism Curse reverting the afflicted to an earlier, or hippie, state.

  5. Try this linguistic approach when writing a conservative blog (just a suggestion):
    When discussing asomething concerning the subject of Homosexuals, use the word “Homosexual”.
    Older folks like myself consider “gay” to mean happy.
    Have you ever met many Homosexulas? Many of them are as far from happy as can be.
    I believe that when conservatives allow the meaning of language to be changed and manipulated by the liberal viewpoint, the ideology battle is already half lost (Gay/homosexual Marriage = oxymoron).
    Do I have to be melancholy to not be gay?

  6. Nope. Anybody seen MFL lately? Thought so. They’re writing a special script just for him/her/it, whatever, and the “New and Improved Way Ghey Superhero/oine” will be none other than……………………..

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