Random Thoughts: How to Get Ahead

If we could all just repeat to ourselves, “The rich getting richer doesn’t hurt me,” this country could do anything.


UPDATE: Linked by Darth Chipmunk


  1. I would also like everyone to say “It is wrong to take money from the government”

    I would much rather live in a nation full of rich people than in a nation where everyone and their grandma thinks the government owes them a check.

  2. Pingback: IMAO » Blog Archive » New IMAO T-Shirt: Rich Getting Richer

  3. “The rich getting richer doesn’t hurt me,”

    But the shards of liberal skulls exploding may.

    I just wish the marxists would define rich. I would love to be one, but I don’t think I qualify. Yet.

  4. Pingback: The Rich Getting Richer Doesn’t Hurt Me | Darth Chipmunk

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