Random Thoughts: Obama’s Courageous Stand for Donor Money

America’s views on president Obama are evolving.

Intelligent design explains Obama’s positions much better than unguided evolution.

What great timing on Obama coming out for same-sex marriage with this big vote coming up for North Carolina!

Doesn’t Obama’s new views conflict with the teachings of his pastor Jeremiah Wright who says that gay marriage was invented by the CIA?

Obama can be a leader if you browbeat him and tell him what to do.

If only Obama’s donors would pressure him on the deficit.

HEADLINE: “President Likes Donor Money”

And now people will have to explain the president’s new position to their children. “Mommy, what’s ‘craven’ mean?”

This whole episode has made Biden look like an idiot savant instead of just the usual idiot.

Forget it, people. We’re never going to talk about the important issues in this country. They’re either too boring or too scary.

For people who think that one day gay marriage will be uncontroversial to all, I don’t think the Bible has evolved.

So which is more surprising: That Obama came out for gay marriage or for federalism?

I’ve received the copyedited ms of my next book to review. Just another day in the life of an IMPORTANT WRITER.

BTW, “ms” stands for “manuscript.” That’s IMPORTANT WRITER lingo.

I evolved. My views on gay marriage remained the same, but now I shoot lasers out my eyes.

Meghan McCain is entertaining.

Meghan McCain is the future of the Republican Party. She’s Nova.

You know your joke may be too obscure if you had to google the reference yourself.

“The Plan to Keep America Awesome” is not the final title for my next book. It’s “How to Fix Everything in America Forever.”

This whole day Biden has been playing in a sandbox, unaware of events.


To do before jury duty: Get a t-shirt that says “Jury Nullification.”


  1. Jury nullification is the whole reason I want jury duty.

    It won’t matter though. Odds are it is just a case of some idiot being stupid who continued to be stupid enough not to get a lawyer to cut a deal.

  2. Standard response to all evolutionary positions of Obama and Obots, “14.5 million out of work and 5 trillion in deficit spending”

    Obot-SSM is a human right
    Conservative-“14.5 million out of work and 5 trillion in deficit spending”

    Obot-Cut students loans percentages
    Conservatives-“14.5 million out of work and 5 trillion in deficit spending”

    Obot-Birth control for all
    Conservative-“14.5 million out of work and 5 trillion in deficit spending”

    Obot-Obama is awsome

    conservative-Obama ate a dog

  3. “Meghan McCain is the future of the Republican Party. She’s Nova.”

    Not even close. Nova was a hot girl that didn’t talk. Meghan is a fat, ugly chick that won’t shut up.

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