Random Thoughts: Poor and Underprivileged

Europe is not going to grow their way out of their situation unless they have Ant-Man type growing powers.

First they put feathers on them and now they’re saying they farted themselves to death – why are scientists trying to ruin dinosaurs?

If you see a blank page in a book and it doesn’t say, “This page intentionally left blank” on it, should you panic?

“I can’t buy my own birth control; I don’t even know how money works. Tee hee! I’m just a girl!” -modern feminist

“You’re making me angry. You’re going to love me when I’m angry because it’s super awesome when I smash stuff.” -a more honest Bruce Banner

I haven’t seen Avengers yet. Now I know what a poor, underprivileged kid in a third-world country feels like.

Oh, the poor, underprivileged kids in third-world countries saw Avengers a week ago.

“We should grow our way out of this problem.” -Henry Pym’s editorial on our financial crisis

BREAKING: Because Romney didn’t speak up, the president has been tried and executed for treason.

Show I’d watch: Find people who actually believe Obama’s BS on his gay marriage position and ridicule them live on TV.

I swear, McCain is fighting harder for Romney to be president than he ever did for himself.

If that Battleship movie looked any dumber, I might go see it.

There’s no such thing as a pegasus unicorn. I’m not letting Buttercup play with that.


  1. Calling that movie Battleship is an insult to actual battleships. The game is more realistic, and it consists of annihilating the enemy fleet (all five ships) with the most terrifying naval weapon known to man, the Red Peg.

    When did Liam Neeson decide that money IS everything?

  2. “I swear, McCain is fighting harder for Romney to be president than he ever did for himself.”

    Yeah, but just wait until Romney actually criticizes Obama. McCain will come out and publicly scold him for being ungentlemanly…

  3. “If you see a blank page in a book and it doesn’t say, “This page intentionally left blank” on it, should you panic?”

    Only if Fulton Greenway’s niece wants to know how a certain puppy and a certain pigeon escaped the clutches of a certain evil witch.

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