Random Thoughts: Professional Writer

You don’t teach the GOP a lesson by sitting out the election. You do that by using a one-armed man.

Ow! That guy nose-butted my fist!

Anyone who uses the phrase “epistemic closure” non-ironically has drank so much Kool-Aid he probably has diabetes.

I rate the universe two Pinocchios.

The scariest part of parenting is when your child is old enough to write a tell-all.

I’m almost certain I’m a professional writer.

“But sir…”
“I SAID D4, DAMMIT!” -dialogue from Battleship, I assume

If Hollywood ever wants a really awesome screenplay, just send me a million dollars.

Obama 2012: Everyone gets a mulligan.

My goal is to one day appear on FOX News yelling at liberals. LIBERALS!!! ::shakes fist::

Without us engineers, science would just sit around in books being boring.


  1. Random thought – We went to the new Avengers movie last night. Awesome. However, the scene where all the “heros” are standing around fighting with each other while the bad guys attack their airship, kill and maim the Spector folks and break out the bad guy made me think of the coming Republican convention. As Ben Franklin opined at the signing of the Declaration of Independence;
    “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.”

    If we refuse to learn from history we are doomed to repeat it. Just sayin’.

  2. I use the term ‘epistemic closure’ non-ironically, but I also use it correctly. Philosophy has a concept called epistemic closure, and it is in no way, shape, or form related to the retardedness of the use that the left is giving the term.

  3. Shredded dog? Is that a new breakfast cerial? Hey Kids…start out your day with a big bowl of Shredded Dog…and be just like the President of the United States of White America! Shredded dog…The Breakfest of Presidents!

  4. I had no interest in seeing the Battleship movie until I saw a bit done on Fox and Friends with Gregory D Gadson who plays Lt COL. Mick Canales. In real life, Col. Gadson both legs missing to an IED in Iraq. In their place, he has some new prostetics that allow him greater mobility that previously available.

    The small scene they provided for his appearance was moving.

  5. “D4.”
    “But sir…”
    “I SAID D4, DAMMIT!” -dialogue from Battleship, I assume

    I can’t think of any reason to see this movie, other than perhaps to see how Hollywood manages to fit a gay agenda into a movie about a board game.

  6. EXT. DAY HAWAII: COL. CANALES and GIRL are sitting in a pick up truck. GIRL is obviously terrified, COL CANALES is stoically determined.

    Cut to: Big Gnarly Alien in full battle armor shows up outside the pickup truck.

    COL CANALES: “I got this”

    Door opens, COL CANALES swivels in the seat and his two metal legs swing out, he steps out of the truck and faces off against the Alien in full battle armor.


    Sorry that is all they showed on Fox and Friends this morning. The image of this big bear of a man, with artifical legs getting ready to battle the alien menace essentially unarmed, is quite moving and impressive.

    The rest of the movie may be utter crap, but that one tiny bit is quite powerful emotionally.

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