Random Thoughts: We’re Never Going to Focus on the Economy

Know who was also a bully? Harry Potter’s father. And we know what happened to him.

Obama had been oddly silent on his stance on human centipede experiments.

Biden is a pretty good running mate as long as you don’t mind his constant requests to tell him about the rabbits.

I don’t know who wrote the hit piece on Obama Dreams From My Father, but I’m glad we have it.

This is all pretty silly.

They’re trying to make it hard to see the economy through the weeds.

Romney should probably try steering the conversation towards how Obama isn’t a very good president.

Saying Romney is a gay-bullying dog torturer is still a far cry from saying he’ll be anywhere near as bad as Obama is as president.

Good News: I’m reading Game of Thrones so I now get some of your references.

I’m out of things to complain about. What am I going to do when I’m old?

You eventually learn to stand up to bullies or you become a liberal.

Finally got to watch Sunday’s Sherlock. It would be hard to do hyperbole about how good that show is.


  1. You know what’s a fun game? Half way through Game of Thrones you should make of list of all the main (and secondary) characters and write down which ones you think will die before the end of the book. It might be a shorter list to write down who you think will still be alive, but either way.

    You can do this for each book. After the first book, try to predict who survives the second; after the second, predict who survives the third.

    I only read the first 3 books about 10 years ago, but my general impression of the series was that if it went longer than about 5 or 6 books, there wouldn’t be any characters left.

  2. I’m out of things to complain about. What am I going to do when I’m old?

    As one of the oldsters here, I have the answer to that question. You’ll drink beer and lie on the couch while listening to Mozart and reading P.G. Wodehouse. Life doesn’t get better than that.

  3. “I spent the afternoon musing on Life. If you come to think of it, what a queer thing Life is! So unlike anything else, don’t you know, if you see what I mean.”
    – P.G. Wodehouse –

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