Random Thoughts: Wright Returns

So, will any Democrat argue that Romney’s bullying 50 years ago is relevant but Obama’s spiritual influence for 20 years isn’t?

Or that how Romney treated his dog once years ago is relevant but that Obama was silent about his crazed pastor isn’t?

Wright and Ayers shows that Obama has a history of hanging around awful people and keeping silent to help himself politically.

That said, doesn’t really seem like we should need to bring up personal stuff with how horrible Obama’s job performance has been.

Usually, you bring up the personal stuff to say the guy is going to do a bad job. That point has already been proven.

I’ll not bring up Jeremiah Wright if the Obama campaign pays me hush money.

The Wright thing was to say Obama would he a bad president. Since he has been a bad president, attack him on that.

I say we keep Obama from being reelected and then argue how stupid it was to elect him in the first place.

1/32 of Obama’s birth was in Kenya.

The fact that Barack Obama used to be a birther should discredit him from office.

The easiest way to be carbon neutral is to find someone with the same size carbon footprint as you and murder him.

If I wrote my own Wikipedia page, it would longer and much more epic.

I have the .380 version of Zimmerman’s gun. Inexpensive. Easy to conceal. Made in Cocoa, Florida. I have had feed problems with it.

Since I’m morally opposed to the metric system, I call a 9mm a “.380 long.”

I tried writing a screenplay but it involved too much fiddling with indenting in MSWord so I’m going to be a novelist instead.


  1. …Since he has been a bad president, attack him on that.

    There’s a flaw in your plan, Frank J.: it is not nice. Stand by for McCain redux. Romney did a fine job of ripping into Republican candidates (sometimes by ignoring the truth), but his views on campaigning seem to have “evolved.” Doubt it? Here’s an official memo from the Romney campaign:

    To: Mitt Romney
    From: Republican Consultants, Est. 1970
    Date: 5/3/12
    Re: Lessons Learned from ’08 Campaign

    Except for the selection of Sarah Palin, John McCain’s campaign was of an excellence that there are no lessons to be learned. End.

  2. I have had feed problems with it.

    Do you use a very firm grip with a really stiff wrist? You have to hold it hard, or it’ll buck, short-stroke, and stovepipe on you.

    Also, have you used a Dremel to do the polishing thing to it? There’s instructions and pictures on the internets that tell you how it likes to be buffed.

  3. Them guns made in cocoa, I tells ya have to be cleaned real good so keep it stored near your cats butt.
    Have we ever had a reliable accounting of the Obama momma’s whereabouts for the year preceding his birth? Maybe she was a trickster also and told the hospital “Kenya, believe my boy was born right here when nobody was looking?

  4. “I tried writing a screenplay but it involved too much fiddling with indenting in MSWord so I’m going to be a novelist instead.”

    Free scriptwriting software here: https://www.celtx.com/

    It’s the next best thing to Final Draft software. Does all of the necessary formatting and much more. So simple that even Biden could use it (possibly).

  5. I carry a .45 ACP at work because I don’t want to have to shoot’em twice.
    I carry a .32 ACP for concealed carry because it’s light, fits in my pocket for easy access, and although underpowered is still adequate for my needs because it seems to me that the point of self-defense is make sure they can’t follow you as you make your escape. (aim for the crotch and run.)
    I carry a Pre-Paid Legal card in my wallet because these days, no matter how justified the shooting is, I expect to be sued by someone.

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