The 60-Second Obama Anti-Capitalist Audio Montage

From the Rush Limbaugh Show, via a video clip posted on Fox Nation, here’s just the audio of Obama saying a collection of anti-capitalist things, without Rush’s commentary:


NOTE: Obama’s comment “White folks’ greed runs a world in need.” was from the audiobook version of “Dreams From My Father.”


  1. We know what Obama is about.

    The problem is that about 45% of voters (100% of the idiots) agree with him.

    So, I hereby predict he loses the November 2012 election 55% – 45% in a Republican landslide that also captures the Senate and increases the House majority.

    Please feel free to repost this comment on my birthday, Nov 7, 2012. The first time I’ll have a reason to celebrate it in a long while.

  2. President Obama is a stuttering clusterf##k of a miserable failure. I’va always wanted to post that. I am not a racist. Let’s face it. I simply do not know enough ethnics to be a racist. I really hate Obama. He sucks.

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