The Real Reason Why There Are So Many Movies With Aliens Lately

Because the US military is so awesome, the only army that could actually give us a decent fight is one that’s made up.

Assuming, of course, that our Rules of Engagement aren’t mired in some rainbow-unicorn “winning hearts & minds” bushwah.

However, if we only wanted to win hearts & minds so that we could display them in a trophy case, then my first point still stands.


  1. “No better friend, no worse enemy.” is the image and motto our warriors would like to present to the world. (if the politicians stay out of it and let the troops do their jobs, that is.)
    However, with both hands and 1 foot tied behind their backs by insane terms of engagement, our motto becomes “No bigger target, no fear of reprisals.”, which sucks.
    Bring Them Home, Or Turn Them Loose!

  2. Because movies featuring an invasion of alien Greys will help take our minds off the alien Browns that are invading by the millions. At least the latter don’t have phasers.

  3. We’re being prepared. C’mon people you can’t seriously believe there is absolutely nothing out there. They say truth is stranger than science fiction. And sometimes it is .. kids are fascinated by venus fly traps (carniverous plants) nevermind that how about dinosaurs that is an extinct reality … so what about aliens – nothing wrong there. It’s just a matter of finding them, or should we.

    The universe is so vast, if you think of some crazy organism it is highly probable that it exists somewhere .. out .. there. Imagine an octopus that can travel on land which hunts it’s victims (movie aliens? are they just glorified octopi?)

    With so many different varieties of life here on this earth, just one single planet, just imagine for a minute what’s out there … maybe we’re safer where we are. When ever are aliens friendly? Recall the human race in the past, whenever we met a different people we always fought and we still do today. It will be no different 500 years from now, at least that part of it. The rest of what we know will be so different than from today … if we’re still here.

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