The Ultimate Government Green Energy Program Metaphor

[YouTube direct link] (Viewer #1,586,973)

She takes a normal bike, modifies it with special tail-guards around the chain & wheels, adds training wheels, and “invests” who knows how many hours training an otherwise perfectly-functional dog to ride it. For 20 feet. Which is as good as it’ll ever get because of the inescapable physical limitations involved.

Ladies and gentlemen: the Chevy Volt.


  1. Yeah but…but…she’s had over 1,586,973 hits on this video. Fame, that’s what it’s all about these days…even if it’s momentary. Besides, I don’t think Volt’s are designed as well as that bicycle. Did you notice that at no time while the dog was mounted on, and pedaling the bicycle, did it catch on fire. Plus the bike was so well engineered that it was able to continue under it’s own power even after the dog was removed…and it still didn’t catch on fire.

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