Zombie Bill Whittle Returns From Dead

Say, remember when I compared Hunter of Atomic Monkey Action Squad to Bill Whittle, but I couldn’t prove the similarity because Whittle let his Eject!Eject!Eject! site go to hell and you could only access his archives via the Internet Archive Wayback Machine?

Well, it’s come to my attention that Eject!Eject!Eject! is now back online, archives & all.

Bill says he probably won’t be updating the site, but complaining about that is sorta like complaining about Shakespeare not updating Hamlet.


  1. MEMORIAL DAY RECOMMENDATION: Go to the archives (on the right sidebar) and click through to December 2002, scroll all the way down to the post called “HONOR.” It is a very short post, by Bill’s standards, but just crams all of the typical Whittle goodness and insight into a 2 minute read. I am amazed that posts that I read 8-10 years ago and have re-read multiple times since then can still hit me in the heart with the impact of the first reading.

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