10 Reasons Why Jimmy Carter Was More Kick-Ass Than President Obama

Full disclosure: I had a paper route during the Carter years, and when I got bored, I read the headlines. So I remember Jimmy’s term in office better than most people my age, because those headlines were bleak and terrifying, and left scars.

So when I read that Carter was busting Obama’s chops over using drones to kill terrorists – one of the few things Obama’s done right in office – I wanted to bash Mr. Peanut right in the monocle.

But then I thought about it & decided to let it slide because I realized that – big picture – Carter was actually a better President than Obama:

Jimmy Carter told us to turn the thermostat down. Obama told us to spread the wealth around.

1) Jimmy Carter lusted after women in his heart. The women Obama lusted after were composites.

2) Jimmy Carter successfully fought off a rabbit, which is several rungs up the evolutionary ladder from any fly Obama managed to beat up.

3) Jimmy Carter’s ineptitude brought us the greatest President of the 20th century, Ronald Reagan. From Obama’s ineptitude, we MIGHT get the greatest President of the 21st century who was named after a piece of baseball equipment.

4) Jimmy Carter let the Shah of Iran into the US for medical treatment, because the Shah was, so to speak, “our bastard“. Obama wants you to pay for Sandra Fluke’s contraception so that she doesn’t have any bastards.

5) Jimmy Carter grew peanuts on a farm. Obama grew mortgages underwater.

6) Jimmy Carter gave all the land around the Panama Canal to the people of Panama. Obama gave all the land north of the Rio Grande to the people of Mexico.

7) Jimmy Carter gave the Russians the horrifying threat of nuclear armageddon. Obama gave the Russians a misspelled red plastic novelty button.

8) As a boy, Jimmy Carter loved his dog, Bozo. As a boy, Obama loved his dog al dente.

9) Jimmy Carter had a brother, who successfully launched his own brand of beer. Obama had a beer summit. Oh, brother.

10) Jimmy Carter asked the Secret Service to keep his brother away. Obama asked the Secret Service to keep away from brothels.

And, of course, the Navy honored Jimmy Carter by naming a submarine after him. Obama honored the Navy by stealing credit after the SEALs got bin Laden.


  1. “As a boy, Jimmy Carter loved his dog, Bozo. As a boy, Obama loved his dog al dente.”

    Like #6, P.O.B., I think that line is one of the funniest ever put into the American discourse concerning future Presidents consuming “mans best friend”!
    Teddy Roosevelt loved just shooting elephants & tigers but he never thought of them as a reason to brake out the charcoal grill! Carter may have had a vice or 3 but they probably involved “lust in his heart” for swine!

  2. I always thought they should name a garbage scow after Jimmuh. But, Jimmuh was a nuc, so I can undertand (sort of) them naming a submarine after him. Obama, now, truly deserves a garbage scow. Or, the next ship taken out of mothballs to be used as a target during wargames should possibly be named after Boy Blunder, and then promptly sunk.

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