Random Thoughts: The Day Before Thursday

The other ex-presidents keep stealing Jimmy Carter’s Nobel Peace Prize and then play keep away with it.

Can’t we just change all their clocks and replace all their newspapers to make the Supreme Court Justices think today is Thursday?

That one Haddaway song always makes me think of a robot that doesn’t understand what love is getting attacked by a baby.

A funny thing to do Thursday will be to interview the Democrats who lost their seats over Obamacare.

Village Voice Declares IMAO New Poster Child for Intolerance

Well, Frank had the audacity to imply that Democrats lack the intestinal fortitude to lead a nation of rugged individualists, and now the Village Voice has made it a point to declare that calling Democrats “sissies” is a “fag joke“.

How un-nuanced.

Nobody’s saying Democrats are homosexual men (Barney Frank SAYS he is, but he lies a LOT).

We’re saying that Democrats show the wisdom, courage, logic, and leadership of 8-year-old girls.

Which is completely different.


UPDATE: Linked by Darth Chipmunk