Constitutional Fan Fiction

In my new PJ Media column, I argue we should stop pretending the Constitution is a complicated thing and get rid of the pointless Supreme Court.


  1. Did you mean that as a joke? Because, clearly it’s time we did get rid of the Supreme Court. The Founding Fathers never intended for them to be very “supreme,” and thought so little of them that they didn’t even build them a court to be “supreme” in. Early members of the Supreme Court only served for a year or two, because they had very few duties and very little power.

  2. He doesn’t want to get rid of the Supreme Court per se, he just wants to replace the Supremes with lay men and lay women and the children derived therefrom.

    IMAO, Frank is funniest when he is being completely serious, as he is here.

  3. “This road sign says, ‘Wrong Way,’ so we probably shouldn’t go down this street.”

    Frank, I know this is supposed to be sarcasm, but, you obviously have not driven in any semi populated suburban area, lately. Red lights are now merely suggestions, as are the signs that say, “Slower Traffic Keep Right.” Clearing the lane for merging traffic is the exception, no longer the rule. Yo might say that finding stuff in the Constitution has “trickled down” to include finding stuff in common traffic law; not to mention common courtesy.

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