Did This Ancient Prophecy Foretell the Obama Administration?

Looking through the referrer logs, someone randomly landed on one of Frank’s posts from 2003, which – as I interpret it, was a Nostradamus-like prediction of the Obama presidency:

You might be a Communist if…

…when you were five you asked Santa for a pony, a teddy bear, and a dictatorship of the proletariat.

…a troop of Boy Scouts earned their merit badge for defending democracy by kicking your ass.

…you ever wonder aloud, “I bet we could pay more in taxes.”

…you prefer small, fuel-efficent cars.

…you wish to end the embargo on Cuba for any other reason than that you like Cuban cigars.

…you’re lazy and want to get paid for it.

…you prefer red grapes to green.

…every conversation you’re in moves to the subject of the dissolution of private property.

…your name is Richard Gephardt.

…you sympathized with the villains in 80’s action films.

…as a child you admired the structure of the Smurf society.

…you’re for the metric system.

…you think that religion is the opiate of the people, and, besides, you prefer marijuana.

…you don’t mind being poor and miserable as long as everyone else is equally so.

…you read Animal Farm and admired the sheep’s loyalty.

…the mention of the name “Reagan” causes you pangs of fear.

…you thinks warts are a distinguishing feature.

…you’ve been offended by much of this.

…every time you walk into a room, people shout, “Hey! There’s that dirty Commie!”

…you’re stupid and evil.

…every time you speak, you piss me off. (also a symptom of environmentalism, feminism, socialism, gun control advocacy, being a Democrat, and general stupidity)


Yeah… tell me that’s NOT about Obama.

Not sure about the Richard Gephart thing, but if it didn’t have at least one confusing, ambiguous item, it wouldn’t be a very good prophecy.

My guess is that it rearranges to “hath pig card error,” which is a reference to when Obama angered a bunch of feminists by making that “lipstick on a pig” remark, which some people interpreted as a slam on Sarah Palin. Thus his error was playing the pig card.


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