How to Write the Obama Version of Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

There’s a strangely popular trend in the literary world – the bizarre urge to mix historical fiction with supernatural creatures. For example:

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters

Little Vampire Women

Someday someone will get the urge to do one set during the Obama administration. If you’re that someone, allow me to suggest some titles:

If you’re strictly commercial, you can always use “Messin’ With Michelle” to sell your beef jerky.

* Eric Holder: Fast and Furious and the Chupacabra

* The Ghost Border of Janet Napolitano

* Barack Obama: Unconditional Negotiations with The Beast

* Kathleen Sebelius: Healthcare Under Dr. Moreau

* Michelle Obama: To Serve Man

* The Picture of Barack Obama

* The Call of Cthulinton

* The Obamanomicon

* Elizabeth Warren: 1/32 Werewolf

* Bride of Panettastein

Can’t use “Biden, Gaffes, and Godzilla” though. That one’s mine.


  1. “Goodnight Moon….and all other space exploration.”

    “The Sorcerer’s Stoned”

    “Little Women and a Big Girly Man”

    “The Art of Fore!”

    “Something Vapid This Way Comes”

  2. The O-Bonnacon

    (the Bonnacon is my favorite mythical creature: “its horns are curved back in such a manner as to be of no use for fighting, and it is said that because of this it saves itself by running away, meanwhile emitting a trail of dung that sometimes covers a distance of as much as three furlongs, contact with which scorches pursuers like a sort of fire.”)

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