John Kerry: Foreign Policy Genius

John Kerry warned against “prejudging” the Muslim Brotherhood as Mohammed Morsi became Egypt’s first Islamist president.

John… you don’t need to lose a hand to know you shouldn’t pet an alligator.


  1. John would need to lose two hands and then watch it happen to someone else as well. The first time would be a “misunderstanding”, the second time would be an “accident”, then when it happened to someone else it would be due to “American aggression” and then “differences in culture” and so on and so forth. Only after everyone he knew looked like Captain Hook would this be seared, SEARED into his memory.

  2. john “Lurch” kerry. What a doosh.

    Is it just me, or are letfist really that stupid? I really didn’t think that “people” could be that stupid and still know how to breath.

    I think he and pelousy got thier helmets mixed up and Lurch’s was just a little too tight.

  3. You also have to take into account the MB’s record from the moment they entered Egyptian politics. Repeatedly, they have made, and immediately broken, promises not to grab for power. Right now, that’s almost all we know about them, and it’s not exactly promising.

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