Link of the Day: This Artist Could Single-Handedly Destroy Obama

Anti-Obama Artist Strikes Again

Jon McNaughton is rapidly becoming my favorite artist, and he’s got a new painting out, titled “The Empowered Man.”

Here’s a selected detail from the work, which gladdened parts of me that have remained stubbornly ungladdenable since last Inauguration Day:

Personally, I think he’s got Bush & Kennedy standing on the wrong sides, but I’m willing to let that slide because of that vampire-with-a-crucifix-shoved-in-his-puss look on Obama’s face.

Also at the link above is a picture of McNaughton’s called “Wake Up America” that is an absolute must-see.

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]


  1. Of course the liberals are bleating “racist”. They throw that term around so loosely and so ridiculously that, at this point, if a liberal told me the KKK was racist, I’d have to question my previous assumptions about that group.

  2. From the article at the link: The Provo, Utah based painter has struck artistic gold with his series, tapping into a widespread libertarian distrust of Washington, as well as a deep-seated hatred of President Obama, which critics says [sic] is animated by racial bias.

    Well, of course it is. Those five pasty-white presidents standing with Obama on the wrong side of the Constitution, one of them clutching a newspaper article beginning with “FAILURE,” [there is more of the picture visible at the link] are just there to show off how unforgivably black Obama is by comparison. There couldn’t be any other reason for LBJ, Clinton, RINO Bush, FDR and Wilson to be grouped with Obama. Not one.

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