Random Thoughts: An Obama Wedding

Which movie title sounds more fake: “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” or “Raging Bull 2”?

Start working for what you want and stop whining about what you think you deserve.

I’m for private citizens having guns, but the Fast & Furious scandal is making me rethink whether government should have access to them.

“Instead of toys, donate in your kids name to the Obama campaign as a Christmas gift. Also, no Christmas candy for those fatties.”

Obama just won’t rest until he ruins absolutely everything. You kind of have to admire that dedication.

“Help the Obama administration outlast your marriage.”

“Instead of life sustaining medicine for your elderly parents, consider instead a donation to the Obama campaign.”

“We know you like your kids, but think of all the money you could raise for the Obama campaign by selling them on the black market.”

“Camping is fun. How about instead of paying your electric bill, you donate to the Obama campaign.”

I had to go back and check to make sure that wedding registry is an actual official thing by the Obama campaign. Apparently.

Guy Fieri is a real person?

“Do you love your children? Donate the individual contribution limit and I’ll return them.” #ObamaFundraisingIdeas

I hope in the sequel Lincoln joins up with Reagan to fight commie vampires.

The difference between a good and bad economy in the U.S. is how much effort it takes to succeed, not whether’s it’s a possibility.

Mayor Booker should start wearing a cape.

“All the news that’s fit to print plus ads and human interest filler.”

Trace the alphabet back far enough, eventually you find a guy drawing random squiggles saying, “This makes this sound.” Wish I were that guy.

According to my definition of “natural born citizen,” no one is truly eligible for the presidency so it must be disbanded.

If you register your wedding with the Obama campaign, I give your marriage until November.

I don’t like partisanship. Especially from Democrats.

Theon Greyjoy was thrown out of the Game of Thrones when he tested positive for reign-enhancing drugs.

Buttercup’s favorite cartoons so far are Dora the Explorer, Caillou, and Archer.

I don’t really get the educational content of Archer.

Reusable green cup, a.k.a. a glass.

I don’t know why people think taking care of kids is so hard.

Constitutional law scholar = anyone able to read a six page document


  1. “I hope in the sequel Lincoln joins up with Reagan to fight commie vampires.”

    No, in the sequel Lincoln will no longer be an “American” president, but will instead be a “global” president, representing all races and cultures…and bashing the United States.

  2. “Eating is nice, but you’ll feel better by donating the cost of one meal a day to the Obama campaign. Two meals per day if your spouse is a Republican. Better yet, just shoot your spouse and donate all their food costs.”

    “Would you rather your church get 10% of your monthly income, or your beloved, struggling President? Donate 10% today.”

  3. Which movie title sounds more fake: “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” or “Raging Bull 2″?

    What’s it matter anyway? They can’t top “Battleship” unless they make “Connect 4.”

    Has anyone else caught this ultra creepy (from a president who excels at creepy) video of the Obamas talking about their first date? (H/T Drudge) You’ve been warned, but you’ll still be creeped out.

    And why has the Daily Mail become such a good source for US News?

  4. Vampire-Slaying Presidents: Generations

    Plot: President Ronald Reagan must stop a horde of Commie Vampires from overrunning South America. But only one man can give him the information to turn the tide of battle–a man who has been dead for 119 years….

  5. Burma – funny how they don’t mention what was on the menu on that first date. I think we can guess…

    Also, I checked YouTube for Connect 4 trailers. Found a couple, but they just aren’t good enough to link.

    Robot Chicken covered the topic best, I think:

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