Random Thoughts: Don’t Hop on Frank

The last Twilight movie was a brutal beating, but the trailer for the next one gives me hope that it will be the most hilarious one yet.

I have to keep a positive outlook because SarahK forces me to watch each Twilight movie. I’m a bad husband who must be punished.

People think the book “Hop on Pop” is pro-hopping on pop, but it makes very clear its anti-hopping on pop stance.

Buttercup didn’t catch that message either, so I have to be very careful not to ever lie on the ground.

The SCOTUS’s ruling on vulgarity is the first step towards the theme from Team America being our new national anthem.

Without a Commerce Secretary, who will fetch commerce’s coffee?

I hated how Raging Bull ended on that cliffhanger of Jake LaMotta’s new comedy career. Now we’ll finally get some resolution.

It would be funny if the SCOTUS announces all their decisions except the Obamacare one and then act like they forgot about it.

People jump on you for a Hitler comparison, but I can compare people to Stalin all day long, right?

Spent afternoon trying to remember what was the funny thing I thought of while Twitter was down.

The Wii U sounds stupid and has a stupid name.

Not saying I won’t buy one (I’ve owned every Nintendo home console so far), it just looks like it’s going to be a disaster.

I got the NES the Christmas it came out — the version with the robot.

Oh yeah. That was the 80s. We had very big Christmases back then.

We could eliminate a lot of idiocy on the internet if we just reconsidered the idea of 100% adult literacy.

If Obamacare is overturned next week, more sensitive people may want to vacate the internet because the gloating will not be pretty.

Gathered bowls and bowls of cherries from our backyard only to find out there’s a thing called the cherry fruit fly. Technically, the maggots in the cherries are composed of nothing that wasn’t already in the cherries, but less appealing nonetheless.


  1. “I can compare people to Stalin all day long, right?”

    As long as it’s not Obama you’re comparing to Stalin. Because comparing him to a white commie is racist or something. Oh, and comparing him to a black despot like Robert Mugabe is racist too. Maybe in Obama’s case you should just stick with Hitler.

  2. Where are you supposed to go to complain about Twitter being down when Twitter is down? Vexing.

    I had rather thought that the Giant Twitter Battle Between the Knitters and the US Olympic Committee over the name #ravelmypics broke it, because it was all very exciting there for a minute.

    As I’m sure you are all aware.

  3. @KnitterChick: I am aware. I try to stay on top of all knitting news. What was the name that the USSOC suggested? Knational Knit-off, or something equally useful? You’re organization has won the first round, but whatever you do, don’t knit any Disney characters or anything that could be construed as tangentially related to the Sony Corp.

  4. KnitterChick – I read that yarn about the IOC getting tangled up with the militant knitting community. And their “apology” that read, in essence, “Sorry, you’re group is just one of the many little people we send nasty cease & desist letters to.”

  5. “People think the book “Hop on Pop” is pro-hopping on pop, but it makes very clear its anti-hopping on pop stance.”

    Have the gays latched onto “Hop on Pop” yet, attempting to find a hidden gay message?

  6. Holy moley, I thought KnitterChick was kidding. Thanks for the link, DamnCat. Everything should be linked on the internet, IMHO.

    Hm. Maybe retitle it “Hop on Pop?”. No, that makes it sound like an invitation. “Hop on Pop Nop” But then you’d have to teach her opcodes first. There is no good solution here.

    Hey, I had a NES with robot!! It would pickup up a spinning gryo-something (top) and move it to somewhere and drop it and it would keep spinning until it stopped. Good times.

  7. It is, Fly. I suppose it’s possible that Marco is working in a train museum now and has no time since he’s rebuilding steam pistons and such. ussjimmycarter… don’t know. He was last seen with Rosie sweating heavily will assisting her into a public bath house in downtown Minneapolusa.

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