Random Thoughts: Job Creation Is Hard!

There was a jobs report? Was it good?

Well, Obama still has five more months to turn things around and learn how to be a good president.

Alan Scott coming out as gay should finally cause America to have a long discussion about who the different Green Lanterns are.

Superboy Prime punched through reality and now people are turning gay.

“Take that, Green Lantern! …but because I’m generally evil and not because you’re gay or anything.”

“Save me Green Lantern… and what do you think of these colors I picked out for the den?”

I’ve apparently picked up a lot of nasty gay stereotypes from my wife having HGTV on all the time.

For reference, Alan Scott is about the fourth or fifth most popular of the current Green Lanterns.

I really have no idea how people followed comic books before Wikipedia. We’re talking decades and decades of really confusing history.

Hopefully we can turn the economy around because otherwise the country will collapse and we won’t get another season of Game of Thrones.

I act like the economy is bad, but I probably feel much more secure in my job than Obama does in his.

Not sure if it’s a good idea for a corporation taking a political stand. What if a lot of the public like Bloomberg more than freedom?

This whole anti-sugar crusade by Bloomberg is going to seem really hypocritical while he’s still a member of the Lollipop Guild.

punching hippies makes them smarter or at least they seem smarter when they shut up

Obama: “So what do you guys like other than jobs? How about a magic trick?”

This would be a great time to have an asteroid hurtling towards earth to put things in perspective.

The event that really sunk the Michael Dukakis campaign was when he bit all those children.

I have trouble buying Kristen Stewart in a role where she’s playing someone I’m supposed to want to pay attention to.

I think I’d do pretty well in the Old West if I had a laser gun and a jetpack.

This may date me, but I was born in 1979.

My iPad is still cracked. So no, it doesn’t self-repair. I’ll have to look for other options.

Bloomberg has a point about how smaller portions could help the obesity problem. He should drop out of government and be a health advocate.

I want to congratulate Satan on his no-hitter, though I thought he played for the Yankees.

“How’d your dogs of war get broken?”
“I let them slip.”

I can’t wait until I’m successful enough that I can just start phoning it in.


  1. “My iPad is still cracked. So no, it doesn’t self-repair. I’ll have to look for other options.”

    Look under Settings – General – Reset and choose Reset Screen Layout.
    Works every time for me.

    If you don’t want the screen to look cracked every time you drop it you just
    unmark “Cracked Background on Impact” under “Background Image”.

    Hope this helped.

  2. This may date me, but I was born in 1979.

    I was already a freakin’ Sergeant by then!

    I had heard that they made the Green Lantern character gay to stimulate “Sales.” Which superhero is Sales (NTTAWWT)?

    If this works maybe the administration can announce that David Axelrod is gay to stimulate the economy?
    (I always though his name sounded like a gay pron star)

  3. “I have trouble buying Kristen Stewart in a role where she’s playing someone I’m supposed to want to pay attention to.”

    Who did you say was the fairest in the land…Kristen Stewart? Jeez, what kind of hell hole do you live in?

  4. This may date me, but I was born in 1979.

    Go ahead and date yourself; it’s a cheap date. On the other hand, the priests who taught me in high school told me that it would make me go blind.

  5. This whole anti-sugar crusade by Bloomberg is going to seem really hypocritical while he’s still a member of the Lollipop Guild.

    Has anyone else thought of the Burmashave 2 for 1 specials?
    – For the price of a 32 ounce soda, you get two 16 ounce sodas, one of which comes in a 32 ounce cup.
    – You get a 16 ounce soda with free refills up to 1.
    – You get one of those repeat customer cards with exactly one icon to be punched. It gets punched for each drink, and when it reaches 1, you get a 16 ouncer in a 32 ounce cup.

  6. Who is the oldest Moon Nuker?
    Not by age, but by the number of Presidents you’ve lived under?
    I’ll start: Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Bush, Clinton, Clinton, Bush, Bush, and the current occupant.

  7. Hopefully we can turn the economy around because otherwise the country will collapse and we won’t get another season of Game of Thrones.

    If it collapses enough we could get our very own lifetime version of game of thrones. I’m going to try to be a Stark. They have the coolest logo and motto.

  8. I don’t think Bruce Lee would would have been comfortable if the Green Hornet had been gay. Now Batman and Robin … well, lets just say .. the Justice League was starting to talk. Actually, Saturday Night Live had the first openly gay Super Hero Team, with the “Incredibly Gay Duo”. And Superman was out of the closet … or was that a phone booth. So the shock value of having a homosexual Green Lantern wasn’t quite so shocking. Now if he’d had a sex change operation, that would have been more interesting.

  9. Pingback: IMAO » Blog Archive » Who Is the Oldest Moon Nuker?

  10. Correction: Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Nixon, Ford, Carter, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RONALD REAGAN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RONALD REAGAN, Bush, Clinton, Clinton, Bush, Bush, and that memory-destroying never-ending maelstrom of suckitude currently occupying the White House.
    fixed it.

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