Random Thoughts: Large Soda Outlaw

We need a remedial freedom course that’s mandatory for politicians to attend.

NYC should require that the mayor wear an elf costume and dance for passersby (for his health – dancing burns calories).

“Psst. Hey, would you like to buy a large soda?”
“You have to tell me if you’re a cop, right?”

Before Bloomberg eats a meal, he should have to report to the public exactly what it is and get approval via referendum.

Some days I feel like a big, up and coming writer, and other days I just wish people would acknowledge I exist via email. Writing is a very neurotic thing.

“I’m simply forcing you to understand,” is what I say when I punch someone in the face.

New Yorkers, why do you let that guy push you around? You’re much bigger than he is.

Can you believe that people once traveled out in the frontier by themselves with no one to tell them how much soda they could drink?

Can’t someone take Bloomberg aside and explain things to him and them slap him around a bit?

Obama: “I don’t want my daughters to be punished with a girl baby.”

I don’t get much abuse; everyone usually likes me because I’m so awesome.

You know you’ve found a weirdo if the first word of their twitter bio is “freethinker.” That reminds me of the Margaret Thatcher quote about being a lady.

Anakin Skywalker was a great Jedi and then evil villain, but he redeemed himself. Hopefully the same will happen for George Lucas.

Politicians are servants. New Yorkers should be able to tell Bloomberg what he can eat but not the other way around.

On the internet, we constantly get to see how wrong everyone is. Now we know how God feels.

Sex-selection abortions are only the beginning. Wait until we kind find out even more about a child than sex before he or she is born.

Legal abortion will never be this happy, normal thing. It’s only going to become even uglier in the future.

You can’t prevent sex-selection or any other selection when “I just don’t want it” is still a valid reason for abortion.


UPDATE: Linked by The Adaptive Curmudgeon (NSFW)


  1. You can’t prevent sex-selection or any other selection when “I just don’t want it” is still a valid reason for abortion.//

    Exactly, I am as anti-abortion as anyone, but this is just a dumb idea for a law.

    I am reminded of when Seinfeld tried to return the suit for spite.

  2. Somebody has to be the first to say it: When large sodas are outlawed, only outlaws will have large sodas.
    I will be the Billy The Kid of the Big Gulp.
    Obama ain’t my mama, but apparently Bloomberg wants the job.

  3. “I don’t get much abuse…”

    Wait ’till next week, Frank.

    Reasons why big sodas are bad:

    * Big sodas are linked to global warming.
    * Big sodas can cause stupid people to have fatal brain freezes.
    * Hyperglycemia. Everyone knows ‘hyper’ is bad. And ‘glycemia’ sounds like a disease.
    * Big sodas are made from corn syrup produced by BIG CORN! Bad!
    * You have to pee for hours afterwards. It’s hard on NYC sewers.
    * Because Bloomberg said so.

  4. “NYC should require that the mayor wear an elf costume and dance for passersby…”

    …while to singing a song:

    ♪ I’m a little despot short and stout
    My policies stink like week-old trout
    If you a drink soda I’m sure to pout
    When they get fed up and throw me out? ♪

  5. More on the “brain freeze” reason: If too many stupid New Yorkers have fatal brain freezes, Bloomberg will lose the next election!

    The irony is that a majority of New Yorkers’ brains are already frozen or they wouldn’t have voted for him in the first place.

  6. Mayor Major Doomberg is only pro abortion to satisfy his need to pick on somebody his own size. Proving his manhood takes something bigger than himself, like a Big Gulp cup. Or one of Herb Villechaize’s nads.

  7. Jimmy, you have to remember, the only choice left to New Yorkers was Bloomberg or some machine moron from the waaaaaaaaay left. New Yorkers have not had a mayor from the Democrat party since 1993, because the last one was so lousy.

    Ever notice that people who consider themselves “freethinkers” are seldom the first and never the latter? To “think” means being able to arrive at what we call “conclusions.”

    Frank: Dead on with the abortion observations.

  8. “We need a remedial freedom course that’s mandatory for politicians to attend.”

    I’m getting to the point of thinking we need mandatory remedial civics classes for voters.

  9. “Anakin Skywalker was a great Jedi and then evil villain, but he redeemed himself. Hopefully same will happen for George Lucas.”

    No, George Lucas is a liberal, so he’ll simply “force you to understand.”

  10. “We need a remedial freedom course that’s mandatory for politicians to attend.”

    I’d settle for making them pass the test that immigrants have to pass to get US citizenship. I’d actually vote for that requirement to get a voter ID card, too.

  11. Pingback: Soda Ban Response | The Adaptive Curmudgeon's Blog

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