Straight Line of the Day: How Many Members of the Obama Administration Does It Take to Screw in a Light Bulb?

I had a lot of fun with that “why did Obama cross the road?” line, and judging by the number of comments, you did, too.

Don’t know if this’ll work well enough to keep it a regular feature, but we’ll give it a try.

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

If it becomes boring & stupid, or nobody wants to play along any more, or if I run out of good setups, I’ll stop it, but let’s see how it goes for now:

How many members of the Obama administration does it take to screw in a light bulb?


  1. None, but we will have 800,000 undocumented (you can’t trace them) non-workers (we don’t pay them enough), standing by, ready to change any light bulb that needs changing. Uhhhh, except those fluorescenty things ’cause they are to dangerous. Oh, and they will be armed.

  2. The job is too technical to accomplish right away since the light bulbs will be connected to the Internet and require FCC, DHS, DOD, DOC, EPA and Al Gore’s clearance to be on their network.

  3. It is running about $90 Million of stimulus money per lightbulb screwing job (which actually pays around $23K/year), but frankly, it is a moot point to the hordes across the nation who are going “off the grid” as quickly as they can.

  4. Well…

    Whether they choose to screw in the lightbulb (not sure how they got in there!) or elsewhere, like, say, on network television, either way it’s protected speech. Particularly if those doing the screwing happen to be homosexual. And if it’s in the oval office and with an intern, that depends on the definition of “is.”

    Don’t you miss the Reagan days when we kept our screwing to ourselves?

  5. None! No one in the Obama administration has the testicles to screw in anything, much less a light bulb. The screwing in lightbulb will have to wait until January of 2013, when a new administration takes over and the lack of testicles is rectified.

  6. It doesn’t matter how many. What counts is that the light bulb wants to be screwed-in – and can receive a free abortion if something goes wrong (with optional counseling, of course).

  7. Oh…and by the way, I haven’t got a clue as to how many Democrats it would take to screw in a light bulb, but I’m sure the Democrats would never use a term like ‘screw’…too sexist.

  8. Thor says:
    June 22nd, 2012 at 10:18 pm

    Two. But nobody can figure out how they got in there.

    I’m not sure that counts since neither Bill Clinton nor his yoga instructor officially work in the Obama administration.

  9. The correct answer is NONE!
    Since the coal industry is being taxed and over-regulated into an impossible industry, lightbulbs on BO’s watch must go the way of the
    Fast and Furious guns (South).
    Houses will be brightened by filling plastic, liter sized soft drink bottles with chlorine and plugged into drilled holes in the roof.
    The “new” solar powered lights will get warm enough in winter to keep chickens in the house too! A little glitter and you have a Disco Ball!
    (Until they ban plastic bottles or chlorine or liter sized soft drinks et al…)

  10. The liberal bible states that whomever changeth the light bulb shall holdeth a union card so no one with brains enough to change one alone is allowed to. So the answer is as many as possible. Michael Bloomberg once screwed in a light bulb, but he’s a short little feller. Barny Frank knows how many gerbils it takes to screw out a light bulb.

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