Straight Line of the Day: Obama Likes Golf SO Much…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

President Obama likes golf SO much…

UPDATE: From Les of Brick Moon:

“President Obama likes golf SO much, he’s developing his own line of golf balls.”

[click to enlarge]

Yeah, that’s that circle-D Democrat logo after Entitlist.


  1. The occupant love golf so much, he gave his only begotten son, Treyvon, to the British so that he may wash them of their sin of Cricket.

    likes golf SO much…He is willing to spend millions of taxpayer dollars so moochelle can go on vacation so he can play.

    likes golf SO much…He put biden on wheels so he could use his mouth to carry his clubs.

  2. ….likes golf so much he invited Michelle along to play where upon she was assaulted by an insect:

    Michelle: Barry I was stung by a bee between the first and second hole.

    Barry: I suggest you narrow your stance.

  3. …he wasn’t really bowing to all those leaders…he was practicing his putt stance.

    …that he continues to play even though he can’t find his balls.


    …because Michelle is allergic to grass pollen.

  4. President Obama likes golf so much
    That his court game seems out of touch
    A Supreme diss
    On a court case like this
    And ObamaCare chokes in the clutch

    Aye, yay yay yay
    Your mother was born in Kenya,

  5. O likes golf so much….. He is working on a new federal program called “golf stamps”.

    O likes golf a lot ….. Because it involve hitting whitey with a club.

    O likes golf a lot…. For a Muslim.

    O likes golf so much… Because he keeps his own score just like his hero Kim Jung Il.

    O likes golf so much… Because Moochelle doesn’t.

  6. …if Obama had a son, he’d look like Tiger Woods.

    …if given a choice between playing golf and bringing about socialism in America, he’d choose golf.

    …he’d exempt golf from all his socialist agenda so as not to ruin it.

    …he’d rather golf than nuke the moon.

  7. He declared gophers to be the national rodent.

    Will spend all his time after the election looking for Nicole and Ronald’s killer until OJ gets released.

    He will play anybody, anytime (Though Secret Service will confiscate other players clubs for security).

    Because his handicap is so high it is covered by the ADA.

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