The Obamacare Decision: What Kind of Early Christmas Do Conservatives Get?

The Supreme Court Obamacare decision should come out this week. If it’s to strike down Obamacare, that will be horrible for Obama as Obamacare was one of the main reasons the Democrats has such huge losses in 2010 and what caused Obama to lose his popularity, and now that will be all for naught. If Obamacare is upheld, that will also be horrible for Obama as it’s hugely unpopular and will be a rallying cry to get a Republican in office and make sure we appoint Supreme Court Justices who actually will be able to read a six page document. Lesson learned: Don’t pass crappy bills everyone hates. I mean lesson learned by everyone other than Obama and the Democrats remaining in Congress.

So the big question is how much to gloat if Obamacare is struck down. Now, gloating won’t look good and may harm Republicans a bit, but it also can’t be helped. They shoved this law down our throats and spent all their political capital on it, and then to have the law thrown out as unconstitutional — as we all warned them it would be — how can we not laugh in their faces for like the next month? We are but mere mortals.

If Obamacare is upheld, what about the Democrats gloating? We can only hope. Once again, it’s a hugely unpopular law, and any gloating about it sticking around will just become a rallying cry for the Republicans and independents who hate it and see it as a violation of our freedom and an impediment to our recovery. And knowing liberals, they can’t ever help themselves so we’ll probably get a few good soundbites to use in ads about them and their awful health care law.

So it’s an early Christmas for conservatives no matter what happens. I just hope SCOTUS tells us soon. Come on, you jerks, this is the only decision we care about. Of course, they’ll announce it last to force us to pay attention to all their other decisions. Bunch of jerks.


UPDATE: Linked by American Political Blogs


  1. I’m adopting a “wait and see” attitude. I have little faith in the Supreme Court. Hoping for the best, but I’ll wait to hear a good decision before celebrating. The fact that the Supreme Court just ruled that “illegal” aliens can’t be arrested for “minor” crimes shows how far gone the court is.

  2. Pingback: The Obamacare Decision: What Kind of Early Christmas Do – IMAO | Political Blogs Watch

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