To Right This Wrong, We Must Invade and Conquer Britain

[via Buzzfeed]

Because in Britain, McDonald’s serves Bacon Rolls:


  1. Why bother…the Muslims are already well on their way to conquering Britain, on second thought perhaps we should because once they take over they’ll surely ban bacon as an affront to Allah.

  2. It’s actually called “HP Brown” and is like steak sauce. Tastes fairly good with bangers and chips. “Goodall’s” tastes better…but, that’s just my Fenian tastebuds talking.

  3. Now don’t panic. Remeber canadians are just britains with better beer. Canadians call unsmoked ham bacon. Therefore, I am betting this ruin pork product is not actual bacon but a facsimily to ham. In any case they should be conquered for the insult to bacon. And that they have bad teeth, and that they are foreigners. And that they threw the first punch with the Beetles.

  4. I wonder what Canadian would taste like deep fried and wrapped in regular bacon? I am in Canada and Canadian bacon is bountiful this time of year. Nothing like bacon trees in full bloom.

  5. Fun Fact from a Canadian: Canadian Bacon is not called Canadian Bacon in Canada. Up here we call it “back bacon”. I’ve heard of Canadian Bacon, but I actually had to go look it up to find out which kind of bacon it actually is.

    Alas, we don’t call anything “Yankee Bacon” or “American Ham”. The only American foods we don’t have up here in Canada are things from the Deep South like “corn pone” and “grits”. I’m not even really sure what those are. Some kind of breadish things?

  6. I think this is a plot to try to stave off the Muslim takeover. I suggest we adopt this worthy policy by putting bacon on everything right away. Perhaps our Jewish bretheren may find it troublesome, but such a repellant is in their interest as well.

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