Video Parody: Scott Walker IS the Honey Badger

[High Praise! to zzyzx]

For those not familiar with it, “The Honey Badger” is a viral video featuring nature documentary footage with lispy, effeminate, flouncy voiceover narration, which, I assume, is some sort of parody of the typical dour, overly-serious, Brit-accented narration one typically finds accompanying such footage.

Highly amusing, if you’re not offended by adult language. Click here if you want to see it.

This following video is a Pro-Scott-Walker parody of the Honey Badger video. Also contains occasional adult language, but in both conception and execution, an excellent parody, featuring heart-warming bits of cruel hippie-mockerage:

[YouTube direct link] (Viewer #96,386)


  1. Yes, zz but not an ‘ace-ace.’

    Oh, and remember, I’m not saying you’re not worthy of High Praise, but you have to start somewhere. High Praise can be reverse-engineered under certain circumstances involving Basil’s ‘Bizarro World,’ Frank’s ‘In My World’ and Harvey’s ‘Newsish Fakery’ and spooky action at a distance involving photonic quantum self-interference and a computer keyboard. Don’t ask me how, because I’m a Commenter not a Writer, dammit!

    Oh, sorry Harvey.

    (Hey, it’s Friday Night! And I don’t watch TV any more.)

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