You’ve Been Judged!

Keln of Nuking Politics picked his favorite punchlines to “Why did Obama cross the road?“.

Click here to see if you made the cut.

If you did, you should probably email him about becoming a guest blogger there.

If you didn’t, he’s got another straight line for you to practice on.

Keep trying. No one likes a quitter.

Except Obama when he’s handing out green energy loan guarantees.

*glares at Solyndra*


  1. I see my name is on Kiln’s list but I have to say, Harvey, that the only thing I know how to write is engineering documentation. You’ll find some guest bloogers, Kiln. I know you will! (PS: Keep up the blogging now that I have you earmarked 6th in my humer tab.)

  2. I call BS on Jimmy!

    Jimmy, you just PROVED you can write a punchline if given a setup.

    I’m not saying you’re ready to write “In My World” parodies, but everyone’s gotta start somewhere.

    First funny thing I ever wrote was a lousy answer to one of Frank’s questions in a permalink contest back in 2003.

    I couldn’t write Newsish Fakery, I couldn’t write Monty Python parodies, I couldn’t write top 10 lists, and I couldn’t caption photos.

    You may have noticed that’s changed.

    Start with what you CAN do, then expand by experimenting with what you can’t.

    Oh, and please note that humor can be reverse-engineered to discover how to make teh funneh:

  3. “humor can be reverse-engineered” -Harvey

    I would have to do a lot of that before writing anything. And I have to say, poking fun back at people here, Keln, (who make me laugh) is so much spontaneous fun as it is. But when people like me try to write, we treat it as ‘problem solving’ and are not very funny any more. See, this paragraph is going downhill fast!

    “I’m not saying you’re ready to write “In My World” parodies, but everyone’s gotta start somewhere.”

    I.E., Reverse-engineering! At the bottom! Harvey, you’re great. Thanks for the compliment!

  4. that sort of Gaelic nonsense is not allowed around these parts.

    Now, now, don’t make me drive up to The Black Shamrock in Dorchester and posse up a crew of Mick roofers to get their on laptops…because they’ll come in here and go tiocfaidh ar la and pog mo thoin and curse the Kennedys for being plastic Paddys while knocking back the Guinness and Bushmills. God forbid, this guy Nails McGranahan gets too many under his belt, he’ll eat the desk upon which Keln’s keyboard rests right out from under him for smirks and giggles. Then clean his palate with a few habanero peppers chased by a few more Guinnesses. Then Nails’ll belch and he’ll roof another three-decker in Southie, and finish up in time for first pitch at Fenway.

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