30-Second Metaphor for Obamacare

Ya know, I wasn’t sure this was a good Obamacare metaphor until after the 22-second mark. Then I was positive.

[YouTube direct link] (Viewer #460,120)


Barack Obama as Wanted To Save Money Dad
Paulie Possum as Obamacare
Your Kids as The People Stuck With A Healthcare System They Didn’t Want.

“There’s an easier way to save: Free Markets”


  1. Aww, that’s just a baby. Back before we had dogs, we had pretty constant possum traffic through our backyard. Now that we have dogs, I can confim that they DO hiss, and they DO play dead. (I went out with a shovel and a bag to dispose of a possum the dogs had “killed,” but it had walked away while I was fetching my supplies.)

  2. The 22 second mark is the Supreme Court ruling I’m guessing.

    Kids: “It’s dead”

    @ 22 sec mark
    Possum: “Hisssssssssss”

    Dad: “Remember, it’s not a tax.”

  3. Outside of Houston, I’ve had possums in trees, possums under my house slab, possums in the attic, baby possums in the wall, possums hissing at me from traps while showing their sharp pointy teeth.

    As with Obamacare, catch-and-release won’t fix the problem.

    BTW, I didn’t know I had skunks until until I starting catching possums. That seems to fit with the Obamacare/possum analogy. There will be skunks.

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