American Poverty: Fantasy v. Reality

How liberals want you to picture poverty in America:

The reality:


  1. Cali lets ebt be used for fast food. It was just a sick ploy to get people stuck on food stamps. Unfortunately my wife and I are on food stamps because mall cop doesn’t pay well. Hoping that changes really soon. Tired of government doles.

  2. I’m not sure what is worse, poor folk buying KFC with EBT or Depression Era 5year olds buying a bottle of aged single malt at the local liquor store. At least they raised their kids with taste in back in the day.

  3. Okay I’ll be “that guy”. You guys rock and I get your point, but you got this wrong if you don’t think there are kids with stomachs distended with hunger (and yes, without iphones and cable).

  4. Hi Carolyn. Is there one that you know personally? File a report for neglect. They will get all they need and then some. By the way, I work in that field and, no, there aren’t.

  5. So, you ban the sale of 32 oz watered down coke by claiming it’s “bad for you” and force people who work to buy 2 16 oz ones for more money and take the sales tax so fat “poor” people can eat food far worse for you than 32 oz watered down coke…..makes perfect sense.

  6. Ok, some of these are really good. I’ve taken to typing up on an 8 1/2 by 11 piece of paper in large type various political items and taping them inside my back window. I like the 32 oz watered down coke one and the one on healthcare and being poor. That one’s going in tomorrow.

  7. you got this wrong if you don’t think there are kids with stomachs distended with hunger

    And that would be because their “mother” takes the free money they’re handed for not working but reproducing with every guy they meet and buy drugs, alcohol, tattoos etc etc. Here’s an idea, give these “poor” hungry people FOOD!

  8. Right Brutus. No children go to bed hungry in this country. They’re all well nourished. If you work in the field, then it’s no surprise so many fall through the cracks.

  9. I can’t believe someone posted kids don’t go to bed hungry in this country, I don’t know where you live,but where i live it happens everyday and some. I know some families who don’t make enough money to have food to last them to the next paycheck. they live in my neighborhood. our country sure aint’ what it used to be, there needs to be changes. Hard times and unemployment must not be the same all over here no jobs and is steady getting worse,

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