Apparently Elizabeth Warren’s Other 31/32 Are Hypocrite-American

I keep hearing that Obama’s “you didn’t build that” bit of unintentional honesty was actually just a rehash of something Elizabeth “Fauxcahontas” Warren said last year:

[YouTube direct link] (Viewer #68,604)

“There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody. You built a factory out there – good for you. But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for. You didn’t have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory… Now look. You built a factory and it turned into something terrific or a great idea – God Bless! Keep a big hunk of it. But part of the underlying social contract is you take a hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid who comes along.” – Elizabeth Warren

I’ll note briefly the irony of “you didn’t have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory.” Yeah, tell that to Gibson Guitars.

And now, as Ace of Spade HQ [High Praise!] points out, this festering boilette of socialism now has the nerve to say during an interview with Al Sharpton (emphasis mine):

SHARPTON: Now, how do you respond to this new ad from Senator Brown?

WARREN: You know, this is just one more attempt to not talk about the central issues. But the way I look at this: I love little businesses. My daughter started a small business, my brother started a small business, my Aunt Alice started a small business–I worked in it when I was a teenager.

I’m suing her Aunt Alice, because I want the money back I wasted paying to educate Elizabeth, who apparently skipped out of every single one of her Economics, Civics, and History classes.

By the way, Lizzie, if the government doesn’t like paying for schools, get the hell out of the education business that you have no business being in in the first place.


  1. She basically answers every question this same way and has yet to explain how she’s any different than the people she claims to be saving stupid people from….like the people who’s house she bought in foreclosure and sold for something like a 300% profit. It’s the other people who flip houses that are bad. Maybe someone should let her know that the “marauding bands” were INDIANS and that anyone who was an actual INDIAN would never refer to their relatives as “marauding bands”.

  2. …and I guess she missed the other history class that told of all the many many big businesses that built entire towns back when there weren’t any. Private companies built basically everything in this country so she doesn’t even have a hint of a clue wtf she talking about, much like all the people who will vote for her.

  3. “…get the hell out of the education business that you have no business being in in the first place.”

    Harvey, she would probably argue they’re in it to “promote the general Welfare” – a clause we need to remove from the Constitution.

  4. Massachusetts. Good seafood, murderous, drunken, lying, and
    philandering politicians. Did I miss anything? Oh yeah, we gotta’
    fill in those potholes lest the first wookie get a sore ass.

  5. It’s not like private companies have these wonderful roads and bridges that are provided to them free of charge….if you want to transport the goods you made, you put them in a truck…that truck then has to stop at every weigh station and pay a TAX based on weight and distance traveled, also the truck itself is taxed at a higher commercial rate if it’s being used to transport commercial goods. Then, the goods get moved to rail cars…same thing – taxed again. Cargo ship? Taxed. Oh…and then there’s corporate tax paid to the Federal and state government, regulatory fees…penalties, and payroll taxes – for employees if you have them, and for yourself if you don’t.

  6. I have two observations:

    1. Every time you hear the phrase “social contract”, it is a socialist talking. No need to wonder about it. Just punch them.

    2. In the even that there were no police, and there were these “marauders” she spoke of that could rob a business…then a business would, in fact, hire guards. As was done long ago for hundreds of years. And they could afford it…not paying taxes for a police force.

  7. Keln – and some businesses STILL hire private security. Mostly ones who can’t afford to let their inventory get looted while waiting for the police to randomly drive by once a night.

  8. Harvey – Actually, the company I work for has its own armed security…because the local police aren’t even allowed on site and the government (NRC/DOE) requires it. But we’re a special case, and what you said is correct…when I worked in an industrial “park” for a number of years, I rarely ever saw a cop within miles of it, and all of the companies there had security.

  9. I’ve got a couple brothers working private security, and I used to carry a weapon when I worked in the cash vault of a company that services & fills ATMs.

    Yeah, the cops are only there to fill out paperwork after private security finishes handling the problem.

    God bless the cops for what they do, but unless they get a phone call, they’re a backstop, not a front line.

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