Government Saves America, $17 at a Time

[High Praise! to Arik]

(Yes, that’s the real Medicare reimbursement rate. Or “savings”, in GovSpeak).


  1. Let me be clear, you old people can’t just expect to be given blood every time you need it. There are others that deserve your blood. They just haven’t had the opportunity to get your blood. Now I am not saying that you can’t have blood, but we are going to take some of your blood and give it to the next guy so that he has some blood too. Just because you were born into a family of color, does not mean that you can’t have an old persons blood. Let me be clear, the teleprompter is broken, so I have no idea what I was talking about. So I uuh err uhhh typical white people wanting blood. Uhh h err its not a tax!

  2. Fly,

    The law says that you can’t pay donors for blood products that are to be transfused, nor can you charge for the product itself. The fees are processing and administrative costs incurred by the Red Cross.

    True story.

  3. “As states struggled to balance their budgets, Medicaid free insurance for people who have never and will never work payments for primary care services plummeted to as low as 36% of Medicare compensation,” Stream said. “Such drastically low payments forced physicians to limit the number of Medicaid leeches they could accept without putting their practices at serious financial risk. Using federal funds to bring Medicaid free insurance for people who have never and will never work payments up to par with Medicare will temporarily ease the financial risk and, in turn, enable physicians to accept additional Medicaid deadbeat leech patients.”

  4. I see an excellent opportunity for the IMAO black market blood bandits. So many hospitals are staggering already under the weight of stupid government rules, and their patients certainly are. All we need are lots of healthy people (me! me!) who are happy to get fifty bucks for a pint of blood every 56 days, and a couple of overworked hospital supply accountants and phlebotomists…

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