Link of the Day: How to Prepare for a Zombie Apocalypse – Practice, Practice, Practice

[High Praise! to HokieGomer]

The Zombie Shopping Mall Experience

In this spectacular ‘full immersion’ experience, you’ll be briefed and armed by the Police Special Zombie Bashing Unit. They’ll fill you in on the full, unfolding, undead apocalypse that is going down in Reading town. An apocalypse that, for once, you didn’t cause, but will have to try and fix.

Then you’ll hit the spooky, deserted shopping mall, but you won’t be shopping for that lovely little Pashmina you saw in Littlewoods. Instead, you and your team will be depleting the zombie population with full Bronson-style perspicacity. Using state of the art special effects and large, blood-inducing props you’ll tackle a series of computer game like missions in a full-on ‘run and gun’ gore fest.

Sadly, only available in the UK right now, but I could easily imagine US versions popping up. I mean, Detroit’s practically set up for a city-wide event right now. Just add bath-salts.

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]


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