Job training

Sunday night, the president flew to Florida for a Monday campaign appearance. Then, he flew back to Washington and Bill Clinton took his place at the campaign event.

The question that some asked was why would Obama make the trip to Florida in the first place. Well, lost in the story is the fact that he did appear at a campaign office:

Yesterday, as he delivered pizzas to campaign workers in Orlando, Florida, Obama said he realized that the storm would impede his ability to make the final push for a second term in person.

See? He delivered pizzas.

That skill could come in real handy come January 21st.


  1. Delivering pizzas may be the first genuinely useful thing he’s done while in office. Of course, this was slightly hampered by Michelle standing in the corner of the room and glaring angrily at anyone who had more than one slice.

  2. I’ve gotta ask, couldn’t Obama have done the fundraiser and Clinton taken his place in Washington? Billy Jeff wasn’t a very good President but he would be a serious improvement over Barry.

  3. I hope he becomes my pizza boy. A big ole limousine pulls up and out of the back seat pops Obama, with his pizza shirt and nifty pizza hat and my personal pan pizza. I hope he doesn’t expect a tip though, after what he’s done to the economy. Nice smile though, he should do well in the delivery business.

  4. Don’t be too keen on having Obama deliver your pizzas…he seems like the type who, if you weren’t his kind of people, would hawk a massive loogie on your pie before it got to your door.

    Not to mention that, given what a choom-head he is, he’d deliver your pie an hour or so late, cold, and missing a slice or three.

  5. When the size of the carbon footprint to deliver a pizza dwarfs the size of Moochelle’s keister, Global Warming is officially dead and buried. And as SoB said, we paid for that foolishnes, or at least our grandkids will.

  6. I can only picture each campaign worker getting a big” lift-off your feet” hug from POT-US, like the one he got from the Florida pizza maker. By the way, it was just a coincidence that every one of them noticed their wallets missing later that night.

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