Random Thoughts: Judd Gone

Kinda anemic on the thoughts today; just two on Judd. I guess when you look at her you see a void of thoughts and feel the need to fill it.

Ashley Judd has decided to spend more time with her rape analogies.

Now we’ll never get the answers we deserve about her puffy face.


  1. Elsewhere: “Judd is out? This is serious news! For all we know, the opposition might fill the void by employing some of her tactics. Gentlemen, we cannot allow a ‘knee-jerk rape metaphor’ gap!”

  2. Fortunately, answers about her puffy face were on a need-to-know basis.

    I’ve always had a fear, however, that Barbara Streisand would run for office and go around singing her campaign and make me cringe involuntarily.

  3. A TMZ source is announcing that Courtney Love, being starved for attention and wanting to be “the punk-rock Hillary”, has announced her run for the senate.

    As Teddy Kennedy is gone from the scene, Love should be a shoo-in for top senate inebriate able to emit projectile emesis and diarrhea simultaneously.

  4. I’m a little sad Ashley Judd isn’t running for the Senate: after listening to liberals whine on and on about Romney being out of touch with people it would be entertaining to listen to them endorse a movie star. Of course, they don’t like Romney’s money but seem to be ok with Obama’s $35 million mansion and multiple vacations while the military loses GI benefits, so perhaps pointing out reality to an Obama voter doesn’t make much difference anyway.

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