Tragically, Not a Parody

[High Praise! to DoublePlus Undead]

Ok, well, technically this video is a parody of ACTUAL government “non-violent bystander intervention” advice, but the advice itself it all too frighteningly real.

[YouTube direct link] (Viewer #15,197)

Seems kinda foolish to have nine steps when you all need is one.

1) Draw your licensed concealed-carry weapon.


  1. I always use Steve Martin’s advice when I am approached by anyone I don’t suspect has my best interests at heart :
    1) Pee your pants and make it a really large wet spot. [both legs are better]
    2) Act just as nutty as you wish and ‘then’, turn it up to Eleven/plus.[See : Monty Python’s ‘Gumbies’ for an example]
    3) Talk and sing to yourself, at a conversing level.
    4) Act joyously happy to see ‘that person’.
    They won’t hang around long.

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