What Can Realistically Be Done with Detroit?

So the governor of Michigan is going to appoint an emergency manager for Detroit. Well, that’s only a couple decades too later.

So what’s the realistic option to turn around Detroit, though? How desperate would a business have to be to move there given the better option of absolutely every other place in America? We probably should just do the sensible thing and abandon it, build a fence around the area, and put up signs telling people to stay out. Because really he best Detroit can hope to be now is a warning to others.

“But, grandpa, what lies beyond that fence?”

“A place we no longer speak of. A city destroyed.”

“Destroyed by what? A nuclear bomb?”

“Worse: liberalism. The left tried to manage a whole city, and now the place is uninhabitable for a thousand years.”

“But that won’t happen to our town, can it?”

“I hope not, Timmy. I hope not.”


  1. “What’s Liberalism, Dad?”

    “It’s a mental disorder, son.”

    “What’s a mental disoder, Daddy?”

    “No, I said ‘disorder,’ Timmy, not dis odor.

    “Well, it sounds like it stinks.”

    “Good boy, Timmy. Want to shoot some squirrels?”

    “Sure, Dad. Can I pretend they’re Liberals?”

    “Okay, but only pretend, Timmy, by blowing their heads clean off.”

  2. There is this place up in North Florida where they take dead bodies and leave them lying around to see what happens as time goes by. Something about set design ideas for CSI episodes and Science! at work. Anyway…

    We could treat DEBTroit the same way. Put a fence up, a couple of signs, and leave it out in the elements and see what happens as natures does it’s work. Put a couple of those fancy time-lapse cameras around the place and in about 25 years we can make some kind of Imax documentary about what happens when Cities are left inhabited only by the liberals who think its someone else’s responsibility for 25 years.

  3. Blow it up and start over? Those who have been infected by the liberal morass must be corralled and separated from the general population. An island off the coast of Alaska might be a good idea. Let them build something of their very own all by themselves. Should be interesting.

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