You’ve Never Seen Dueling Banjos Like This Before

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One man playing “Dueling Banjos” on a double-neck guitar.

I suppose I should make a political metaphor out of this, so how about Rand Paul having to do a 13-hour filibuster because the press wouldn’t do THEIR job and call Obama out on his drone-assassination policy.

If you’ve got a better political metaphor (or even a worse one), drop it in the comments.


  1. For those who see no substantial difference between the Republicans and the Democrats on the Hill, the two guitar necks represent the two parties harmonizing on more spending and bigger government.

  2. You can tune a piano or a guitar or even a fish faster and easier than you can get today’s politicians to govern in tune with the Constitution. Meh. How about, Things are worse than ever, before we had Barney Frank and Helen Thomas fighting over one G string, now we have Mooch and Barry with capos on our necks making us feel like Ned Beatty with his tighty whiteys around his ankles.

  3. when i heard this yesterday i was struck by two thoughts. the first was how astoundingly good this man was. the second was that the music sounded a bit hollow. he simply can’t play four hands worth of notes with just two hands. kind of the definition of a compromise.

  4. A song I heard this morning by the deliciously named The Wailin’ Jennys – Bring Me Little Water Sylvie – might be enough to restore one’s faith in beautiful sounds if not faith in our leaders, and no guitars needed. Look that up on the youtubies if you dare.

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