Medicaid: Burning Trillions

So Medicaid, which is going to cost a trillions, has shown in a new study to not improve the physical health of those who have it. Its trillions of dollars and does nothing. So it’s an easy choice to just cut this and save tons of money, right?

Nope, the left are promoting how Medicaid improves “mental health.” Trillions of dollars, and people feel better — which is probably just because people feel better thinking they’re covered even though the coverage actually does nothing. So we could just pretend to cover people — placebo coverage — and get the same effect for much cheaper.

But the left will never go along with that. If a giant government program is a complete and utter failure, that just means it need to be made even gianter. If there was a government program that just put trillions of dollars in a hole and burned it, the left would go on and on about how much warmth for the poor that program created and how we need to burn even more money.

We can’t ever get rid of government programs no matter how useless they are. And that’s why I think the only step is to start to train our kids to build a new, better government after this one collapses.

Yes, I don’t think the government will collapse in our lifetime, but probably in our kids’. So I think I’m going to start a new homeschooling program to train our kids how to build a new government for when the U.S. one collapses. I’ll teach them basic stuff like how to draft up a Constitution and things like that. They’ll probably be more likely to actually have to use that knowledge than calculus.


  1. If there was a government program that just put trillions of dollars in a hole and burned it, the left would go on and on about how much warmth for the poor that program created and how we need to burn even more money.

    Not to mention the trillions that would have to be invested in carbon offsets to counteract the Climate Change effects of burning money in the open air. Think of the polar bears, people!

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