A soldier serving today in the U.S. Army.

In addition to today being Flag Day, there’s another anniversary today. It’s the anniversary of the founding of the Continental Army, which was the United States Army before there was a United States.

238 years ago, on June 14, 1775, the Continental Army was formed. That rag-tag group of citizen soldiers beat the odds and the British, and the United States of America was the result.

Some of us at IMAO had the privilege to serve our country in uniform, in different branches of the service.

Some of you reading this had the same privilege. We thank you all.

Today, we especially recognize and thank those that served in our first branch of the military, the United States Army.


  1. Great article on Flag Day!! At least one website is getting the word out.

    And, there are 2 veterans (65 yr. old Vietnam vet & a Gulf War I) who are carrying the American flag fm San Diego, each step of the way, to D.C.


    True grit to see our veterans once again defending our flag & us. Of course the mainstream media won’t give them any coverage, but someone needs to pick up this story of the 2 veterans. They do need help to pay for their walk so I support them.

  2. Foxholes. Reminds me of a story.

    I was at Ft. Stewart, in a unit with a soldier who, during a training exercise, spent nearly six hours working on a hasty fighting position. She didn’t quite understand the meaning of “hasty,” it seems. She eventually caught on.

    Good times.

  3. HGTV is stepping up to the whole Flag Day thing with this lovely table decoration. The good news is that after all of the blood that’s been spilled by Americans over the years some koolaid stains shouldn’t be much of an issue. (sarc if you don’t recognize it)

    I can’t decide whether to boycott HGTV because of their insensitivity or their blanket stupidity. You mean to tell me not one person who was involved in this could SEE the problem here. They are either morons or libs, woops my bad same thing.

  4. [insert snarky inter-service-rivalry comment praising the superiority of the US Navy here]

    The US Navy is a fine branch of the military. They have a grand, and longstanding, tradition of getting American groundpounders from point A to point B in a decent amount of time, exemplify the best in abiding offshore when needed, and, as a bonus, have been known, on occasion, to serve up a consumable, and sometimes even palatable, portion of food and beverage.

  5. @7 – The best part about the Navy: 3 hots & a cot EVERY SINGLE DAY (and – at least on the Enterprise – food served 21 hours a day, with steak & lobster on the menu at least once a month)

    The best part about the Army: if you jump out of your tank before the enemy blows it up, you won’t drown or be eaten by sharks.

    Pick your poison.

  6. @10 – Well, that used to be true. Nowadays, the first thing the enemy sees is an Obama bureaucrat handing out weapons cash. And maybe the last thing he sees is a Hellfire from a drone.

  7. 3 hots and a cot sittin’ in a badly painted yacht. Please notice that the picture featured is a soldier and not a squid. Also notice the blue lanyard on his right shoulder. He’s an infantryman. 11 bush, 11 bang bang, ground pounder. He’s one of those who gets in the sh%% so that we can sit back and play on the internet without worry of someone storming into our living room.

    By the way navy gunships(squids) provided close fire support on D-day so that many soldiers were able to finish the day

  8. A friend of mine is a Green Beret. I asked him if they are referred to as Green Berets or Special Forces. He said that they are called Operators. I asked if that was because they answered telephones. I laughed so hard. Funny thing is I don’t remember anything after that. Go Army! Happy Birthday!

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