Did You Know Santa Had an Evil Twin?

[High Praise! to The People’s Cube]

He makes a list and checks it twice. He gives to the naughty what he takes from the nice. He drives from house to house in an armored truck. He is St. Dick, Santa’s twin brother. Awestruck taxpayers greet him with chronologically ordered receipts lest they lose their first dependent. St. Dick wishes them many returns and disappears with their checks until the next jolly tax season.

[Apologies to the fine people at the I.R.S record label, from whose logo this picture was made. I was a huge fan of their “No Speak” line of instrumental guitar recordings.]


  1. I should dig this out and sell it — I have a coffee cup, apparently given to radio stations as a premium. It’s cone shaped, featuring the logo, and reads, “IRS Records. Can’t put it down.”

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