Great Question About That Surveillance Program

[High Praise! to Irritable Pundit]


  1. There was a short-lived TV series, on at about the same time of ‘Get Smart’ that featured another top-secret government agency that had discovered a Super Power Pill that would give some people super powers, but it wouldn’t work on someone who was already strong, so they found the whimpiest little nerd in America and drafted him to be their ‘special agent’. The pills would give him super strength for an hour, with 2 boosters good for 10 minutes each. He could even fly by flapping his arms while wearing a special suit with flaps under the arms. I enjoyed that show, as long as it lasted, but I can’t remember what the shows name was. Any help?

  2. Would you believe… that veterans and their supporters are terrorists?
    Would you believe… terrorists have infiltrated conservative, tea party and patriot groups?
    Would you believe… that all Americans who love their country and believe that those of the present administration are terrorists… are terrorists?

  3. Most of us, chilled by the idea of the government reading emails and texts *as we type them*, wonder exactly what are NSA’s abilities. Being scientific minded, I decided to simply test it. So, I typed out an email:

    “Dear Chinese embassy officials, My name is Matt Musson and I am a current CIA employee with inside information I’m certain you’d be interested in. Call me at 1-252-555-2935.”

    I made sure I had the correct email address, hit ‘send’, and sat back waiting for the black helicopter to swoop in and kidna

  4. The other side to consider is that our gubmint DID have advance knowledge about the Boston Bombing and did nothing to stop it in order to keep PRISM a secret. Not that there’s any justification in it, but I heard that similar things happened with information obtained in WW2 when Enigma was cracked – the Allies had to pick and choose what information they could act on to hide the fact that they had broken the Nazi communication code.

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