Obama Warned Us – Whupped

People are whupped. I’m whupped. My wife is whupped. Unless it’s your job to be curious, who really has the time to sit and ask questions and explore issues?

BARACK OBAMA, The New Yorker, May 31, 2004

“Looks like some of these reporters might need a good whuppin’.”


  1. “…who really has the time to sit and ask questions and explore issues?” Like Fast and Furious; The IRS scandal, AP scandal, Benghazigate, Oh I could go on but I’m so tired. *YAWN*.

  2. Millions of people have plenty of time. Well, the ones who are out looking for a job have a little less free time, but still. And Eric Holder was wrong? We just don’t have time to talk about race? I’ll have to sit here and think about that and……….ohhhhh, gotta run, there’s a stampede of illegal aliens headed my way.

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