What Scandals Could Possibly Be Left

So Scandalanche continues unabated. We thought we hit the tail end of it, and then we find out about the mass phone monitoring and now the mass internet monitoring. For all I know, the government could be coming in here and editing my posts. [We don’t do that. -NSA]

This stuff is so bad, the New York Times(!) actually said, “The administration has now lost all credibility.” Man, I thought nothing short of Obama personally murdering the families of the NYTimes staff could get them to condemn him, but apparently there is a limit.

Except, the NYTimes has walked it back a bit and changed the line to “The administration has now lost all credibility on this issue.” Well, for one of the most mindlessly partisan organizations out there, baby steps.

So what’s left? There can’t be more scandals, can there? It doesn’t seem like this is ending, though. So here’s some guesses on what the next scandal will be:


* Despite him not being a U.S. citizen, Obama attempted to audit the pope.

* Obama briefly joined al Qaeda with his buddy Bill Ayers.

* Obama threatened to bomb Australia if they wouldn’t give him a pet koala.

* Obama’s job council is really just his Choom Gang reunion.

* Sandra Fluke is just Obama in a wig and makeup.

* Any time Obama visits Mexico, he works as a coyote on the way back.

* To balance the numbers on the Affordable Care Act, Obama looked into reinstating slavery.

* Part of Obama’s 2012 fundraising was selling nuclear secrets to North Korea.

* All major decisions in the administration are made by Joe Biden, or, if he’s unavailable, a baby hedgehog.

* All the intelligence leaks are from Obama’s split personality, Amabo.

* Obama founded the Black Eyed Peas.


  1. * Obama administration using right wing blogs to compile enemy lists?

    * Obama using secretly obtained information for everything from CCW permits to medical coverage and Federal loans approval to picking job applicants and layoff candidates.

    * Government workers with access to secretly obtained information for personal gain.

  2. Obama was raised by a radical anti-American Communist mother

    Obama grew up, spent his formative years in a Communist country

    Obama was mentored by a Communist radical who was on the FBI watch list

    after that any scandal look tame

  3. barry was in the stall next to Larry Craig.

    barry lips syncs to the telprompter and jay is the actual voice.

    Bo is not his dog, its crab people cleverly disguised.

    barry and moochele share Big Macs in bed

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