Capitalism’s Best Kept Secret

[High Praise! to Call Me Stormy]

[YouTube direct link] (Viewer #12,892)

Pay close attention at the 57 second mark, because this point cannot be emphasized enough:

“Specialization and trade make everyone better off even if one person is ABSOLUTELY BETTER AT EVERYTHING than his trading partners.”

There’s no excuse not to be a capitalist.

Celebrate the Money Pit!

Despite the huge financial losses of “The Lone Ranger”, some Hollywood producers are actually defending the movie.

Must be angling for jobs running one of Obama’s green energy projects.

Link of the Day: Chief Witch-Smeller Eric Holder Commands: Grab Your Torches!

[High Praise! to The People’s Cube]

Chief Witch-Smeller Eric Holder Commands: Grab Your Torches!

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Be Careful Interpreting Those Obama Similes

[High Praise! to After Math]

[full size pic]

[reference link]

Note to Obama: lasers are coherent.

For Once, Chicago Gets It Right

Residents of a Chicago suburb successfully filed suit to get the delivery of free newspapers stopped.

Wish that would’ve worked to stop Obama from delivering “free” health care.

How Liberals Imagine Gun Control Works

[High Praise! to Patriot Post]